Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Build Each Other Up, Like Legos!

I think that sometimes, we lose sight of what we learned in our kindergarten days. We were taught to share, be kind, and help each other. That is how we made friends, while the kids who didn't do that were labeled as the 'meanies'. We didn't want to sit alone at lunch, or feel left out at recess, so we were kind to each other. Over the years, we tend to lose sight of that goal because we get wrapped up in ourselves. It's natural to want to be successful, and to want to be the best. However, there are more important things in life, especially when we are missing out on life because we stay contained in our own bubble. Everyone has their own seeds of insecurity, self-doubt, and loneliness. If we spend too much time caught up within ourselves, we miss out on helping to water the seeds of confidence, love, and kindness in one another. We must stop asking our friends for reassurance all the time. "Am I fat?" "Does this shirt make me look bad?" "Does my hair look good?" "I'm a size 2, is that good?" It is questions like these that may not seem harmful, but they can cut the deepest into the self-esteem of others. While they are often harmless because we don't mean anything by them, they can draw out the insecurities of others. I am a culprit of this, as are many of you reading this. It's natural to want to be the best, but we should want our friends to be right up there with us. It is not okay to compare yourself to others, especially those closest to you, because that is weighing the importance of one person against another. Try to work on developing your own confidence within yourself, and take note on comments or questions that you pose to others. By making a conscious effort to improve your confidence, and that of your friends, you will all be happier and your friendships will be that much stronger. Be beautiful inside and then out. xoxo -Kyla

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