Friday, April 29, 2011

Living in the Moment :)

Good Morning All!

Today I learned an extremely valuable lesson. As I write this, I am enjoying coffee in the dining hall on my campus. As I enjoy my second cup of coffee (a rarity because I typically only have one) I have a perfect view of the beautiful day outside. I am completely at peace and stress-free, how life should be. The best part of it all is that I have a very important exam in less than an hour, and it is one of those exams that could make-or-break my course grade. I have studied endlessly this week, and worked extremely hard to prepare myself, and now that I feel like I have done all that I can do, I am calm and relaxed.
When I woke up this morning, I had only slept a little more than three hours. People on my campus tend to be a little rowdy on Thursday nights, so even though I got into bed at midnight, the noise kept me awake and I didn't fall asleep until after two. This morning when I woke up, it was a little bit before five thirty (I typically wake up between 8:30 and 10). I was determined to wake up in time to watch the royal wedding on television in the lounge of my dorm with some friends. I felt exhausted, I had no clue of how I was going to stay awake, and I started to worry because I need to be completely alert and focused for my exam. Instead of stressing over these things, I sat back and watched the beautiful fairytale wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton (my style icon!) unfold. Now, almost four hours later, I sit in the dining hall sipping my coffee and realizing that things are not always perfect, but that is perfectly fine. If we spend the valuable moments of our day stressing out and worrying about things that are out of our control, then we will exhaust ourselves and take away from the beauty of the moment that we are in. I am certain that if I can feel completely at peace and calm (this was an epiphany moment for me, might I add) then you surely can too in your everyday lives. I hope you feel inspired by this post, because I feel very inspired writing it. Enjoy! xoxo, Kyla

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